PinnedHow to take a screenshot of your desktop and edit the image (crop/annotate/encapsulate) using…Being able to take screenshots of your desktop and edit it is a very useful functionality. It enables one to capture, for example, an…May 29, 2020May 29, 2020
PinnedCoin Change — Minimum Number of Coins — Dynamic Programming SolutionProblem DescriptionMar 13, 20201Mar 13, 20201
Writing a simple logging system for a distributed Machine Learning training set upWhen you have multi-threaded programming, it’s sometimes difficult to debug the code especially when it is important to analyze the order…Apr 3Apr 3
Introducing some common terms in Machine LearningIf you are new to Machine Learning, this article might help you get introduced to some commonly used terms. The goal behind this article is…Apr 3Apr 3
Useful Linux Commands when Writing Data Loader and Training Code — Part 2Managing Background Processes (tools — nohup, screen, tmux)Apr 3Apr 3
Useful Linux Commands when Writing Data Loader and Training Code — Part 1The main intention behind this article series is to highlight the different options available to you when using Linux to train your data…Apr 3Apr 3
Performing evaluation with UniformerV2Below are the steps to set up the data/configuration files to perform inference with UniformerV2 (GitHub — OpenGVLab/UniFormerV2…Apr 3Apr 3