Coin Change — Minimum Number of Coins — Dynamic Programming Solution

Anju Gopinath
3 min readMar 13, 2020

Problem Description

Given a value V(change), and infinite supply of coins for each of C{C1,C2,C3 … Cn}, find the minimum number of coins required to make the change.

Example) Given change 11 and coins {1,5,6,8} (each of them available in infinite supply), find the minimum number of coins required to make the change.

Solution : Possible combinations : {5,5,1},{6,5},{8,1,1,1} etc. The best solution is {6,5} since it requires only 2 coins.

Recursive Approach

On drawing the recursion tree, we can see overlapping subproblems.

Also, since ‘optimal substructure’ is a feature of the problem, we can find a solution using Dynamic Programming.

Building Auxiliary Storage and filling it

The first column has all values 0 because because the minimum number of coins to get change 0 is 0.

Consider the first row:

Cell(0,1) : The minimum number of coins to get change 1 when you can consider only coins of denomination 1 is 1 ({1}) .

Cell (0,2) : The minimum number of coins to get change 2 when you can consider only coins of denomination 1 is 2 ({1,1}).

So on and so forth till cell(0,11) in first row

Consider the second row:

Cells (1,0) …. (1,4) -> one can copy values from the cell directly above since you cannot get change using coins having denomination greater that the value of the change itself. (example — Cell(1,2) : get a change of 2 using coin of denomination 5 , hence we copy the solution from the cell directly above it which is Cell(0,2) . This means that the cell (1,2) holds the best possible solution to get a change 2 using coins of denominations 1 and 5)

Cell(1,5) : We can get the change 5 using a single coin of denomination 5 . Hence answer is 1.

Cell(1,6) : When we try to find a solution , we first take one coin of denomination 5. So, now we need to find the minimum number of coins required for 6–5=1. The solution for change 1 is given in Cell(1,1). Hence the answer is {1,5} and the minimum number of coins is 2.

In this way, we continue to fill the table row by row, from left to right.

In Cell(2,10) : To get change 10 using denomination 6 , one solution is {1,1,1,1,6} . This requires five coins. But this solution is not the best one. A better solution is {5,5} which has already been calculated in the cell above Cell(1,10). Hence, we copy that solution.

The answer is obtained from Cell(3,11).




Anju Gopinath

Ph.D. student in Computer Vision and Machine Learning